Appealing TV: The Americans, Fortitude, And Bowl Watch 2015!

Appealing TV: The Americans, Fortitude, And Bowl Watch 2015!

So, what else is on? Monday, January 26 Mud, Sweat, and Gears (10pm, BBC America, series premiere) Now that AMC owns a majority stake in…

Appealing TV: The Following, Playing House, and Vikings

Appealing TV: The Following, Playing House, and Vikings

The pickings are starting to get slim, as the lights are starting to flicker and dim on the 2013 – 2014 television season, right as…

Appealing TV: Bates Motels, True Detective, and Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

Appealing TV: Bates Motels, True Detective, and Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey

Monday, March 3 Almost Human (8pm, Fox, season finale) Any new sci-fi on television is always a great thing, and it’s not like I’m looking…