World War ZEverywhere
Oh hell yes, a real summer blockbuster starring Brad Pitt and an asston of zombies. I’m gonna go see this twice on the hottest day of summer when I have to escape the warm stench of the lobotomized masses (Dolores Park) for a comforting megaplex (probably also filled with the lobotomized masses, but what can you do??)

Monsters UniversityEverywhere
It’s no Toy Story 2, but it’s no Cars 2, either. Solid, fun flick from the studio that everyone loves to love. Bring your kids, and if you don’t have kids, steal some to bring so you aren’t the weirdo seeing a kid’s movie all by yourself. Weirdo.

The Bling RingEverywhere
Oh, I’ve been waiting for this ever since watching Pretty Wild, Alexis Neiers’ nervous breakdown of reality show on E! Sophia Coppola transforms Emma Watson into a total, like, valley girl and lets her loose to rob Paris Hilton blind. If you’re obsessed with celebrity or money (i.e. you’re an American), you’ll be all over this sad shit. One little bitchy moment: it’s easy for Sophia Coppola to judge these tacky kids — she’s never had to obsess about celebrity or money in such an obvious way — that said, everyone loves a good Sweet Sixteen-style hissy fit.

Disclosure: Dan Scanlon, director of Monsters University, is the husband of Appeal staffer Babe Scanlon. Appeal editor Eve Batey and movie writer Rain Jokinen also have social relationships with him. Those staffers had no influence on Laura’s capsule review of the film. You can see The Appeal’s complete conflict policy here.

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I love animals and food!

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