Happy new penguin, y’all! As ABC7 reports, the California Academy of Sciences has a new family member in their African penguin exhibit. The unnamed male baby penguin is the first to be hatched in Steinhart Aquarium’s new building.


Say Hello To Cal Academy’s New African Penguin Chick [SFist]

He has a clean bill of health and is already a confident swimmer. The only thing missing is his name. The California Academy of Sciences will be holding a contest to name the newly debuted penguin. Names will be accepted starting today and ending April 30 at www.calacademy.org.

The winner of this contest will not only be giving the penguin a name but will receive a painting from the penguin, who is currently honing his craft with the help of staff.

Those eager to see the new penguin can check him out via the online Penguin Cam. Penguins are fed at 10:30 AM and 3 PM and are broadcast daily.

the author

Always in motion. April Siese writes about music, takes photos at shows, and even helps put them on behind the scenes as a stagehand. She's written everything from hard news to beauty features, as well as fiction and poetry. She most definitely likes pie.

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