CSU-seal.gifCalifornia State University officials named a new chancellor this morning.

Timothy White will replace current CSU Chancellor Charles B. Reed, who announced in late May that he planned to retire after a 14-year tenure.

White, 63, has spent the past four years as chancellor of the University of California at Riverside.

University of California President Mark Yudof issued a statement this morning on the selection, calling White “an excellent choice to lead the California State University system.”

Yudof said he will appoint a future interim chancellor for UC Riverside in the near future.

“While he will be missed, it is no small consolation knowing that, with Chancellor White at the helm of the CSU, the University of California will continue to have a well-placed partner and ally in the fight to preserve public higher education in California,” Yudof said.
White will take over as CSU chancellor in late December.

Eight members of the 25-member CSU Board of Trustees were selected
to be part of a special committee to consider the candidates. The committee met in closed session on June 28, Aug. 21 and Sept. 11 to discuss the matter.

Before making a final selection, the board brought in an eight-member group of external stakeholders to provide input. The board and stakeholders met in a closed session on Wednesday before naming White today.

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