Veterans-day.jpgHere’s on opportunity for people to help out the homeless in a more creative way then giving spare change. Craig from Craigslist tells us that St. Anthony’s needs some new, clean socks to distribute in honor of Veteran’s Day, and beyond.

St. Anthony’s will be reaching out to the many low income and homeless vets, helping them connect with services and giving them much needed small gifts like socks, which are a hot commodity among the homeless.

Best known for their food services and computer lab in the Tenderloin, St. Anthony’s serves about 25% of thousands of meals to Veterans. According to the VA, one third of homeless men in America have served in the armed forces and every night 131,000 veterans sleep on the street.

Make a quick trip to the store, get your friends involved, and go drop off some socks (labeled “for vets”) to 150 Golden Gate Avenue, anytime between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. On the weekends you can drop off donations at the dining room at 45 Jones Street.

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