
As you know already, our SF Giants have returned home for game three of the National League Championship Series.

The first pitch in their game against the Philadelphia Phillies goes out at at 1:19 PM PT today at AT&T Park. If you, like many of us, don’t have tickets, you can watch the game on KTVU (that’s channel 2 on broadcast and local cable) and at all sorts of bars and restaurants.

I was talking to a good friend yesterday, who’s just about as far from a sports guy as you can imagine, and he brought up how everyone we know, regardless of usual interest in sports or baseball or the Giants, are excited about this Series.

The Chron would call those folks “fair weather foam fingers” but where I come from, we embrace all fans, regardless of vintage.

I started wondering, is any work going to actually get done in San Francisco today, or is everyone going to flake to watch the game?

So made this here poll (sorry, RSS readers, you’ll need to click through), and I hope you’ll cast a vote. Of course, I encourage all sorts of elaboration in the comments, if you so desire.

I, myself, are vacillating between the fourth and last answers — so what you say might help me make up my mind.

the author

Eve Batey is the editor and publisher of the San Francisco Appeal. She used to be the San Francisco Chronicle's Deputy Managing Editor for Online, and started at the Chronicle as their blogging and interactive editor. Before that, she was a co-founding writer and the lead editor of SFist. She's been in the city since 1997, presently living in the Outer Sunset with her husband, cat, and dog. You can reach Eve at

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