San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee is scheduled to present certificates today to 23 senior fitness volunteers who have completed training and pledged to bring their new skills to the community.

Staff members from city agencies and other volunteers have completed 32 hours of training in exercise programs geared towards senior citizens, organizers said.

In return for training, each graduate has pledged to donate 50 hours of service to Always Active, a city-wide program that promotes health and wellness in seniors.

The program aims to introduce exercises that can help reduce chronic disease and prevent falls, as well as encourage education and socialization, organizers said.

Always Active is sponsored by On Lok’s 30th Street Senior Center, the San Francisco Department of Aging and Adult Services, the San Francisco Senior Center, and the University of San Francisco’s Department of Exercise and Sports Science.

Today’s event will begin with a senior boot camp at 1:30 p.m., during which participants will exercise at On Lok’s 30th Street Center Garden at 225 30th St.

The boot camp will be followed by a graduation ceremony at 2:30 p.m.

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