Gas Line Ruptured by Digging Crews in NoPa Capped

A ruptured gas line in San Francisco’s North of Panhandle neighborhood was capped this morning, fire and utility officials said.

The leak was reported at 9:54 a.m. in the 500 block of Lyon Street between Grove and Fulton streets, according to San Francisco fire spokeswoman Jen Balestrieri.

PG&E spokesman Nick Stimmel said a third-party crew was digging in the area when they hit a 2-inch pipe. Balestrieri said the crew was from the city’s water department.

PG&E crews were able to stop the flow of gas at about 11 a.m., Stimmel said.

Stimmel said the incident serves as an important reminder to the community to always call 811 before beginning any digging or excavation project.

Hannah Albarazi, Bay City News

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