SFSU Student Center Deemed Safe After Bomb Threat

The student center located at the heart of the San Francisco State University campus was deemed safe by law enforcement officials following a bomb threat earlier today, but university officials are asking anyone with information about the suspect to reach out to campus police.

SFSU officials wrote on Twitter at about 11:30 a.m. that university police had received a bomb threat at the Cesar Chavez Student Center on campus.

By about noon, SFSU officials said that San Francisco police were sweeping the building at 1650 Holloway Ave.

Shortly after 1 p.m., university officials said that police had indicated that it was safe to re-enter the student center and that there was no threat.

Adrianne Bee, director of creative services for SFSU’s University Communications said the threat was called in via phone and that no hazardous objects were found.

The bomb threat remains under investigation by campus police, Bee said, and anyone with information about the suspect is urged to contact SFSU police anonymously at (415) 338-3030.

Hannah Albarazi, Bay City News

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