SPCA Warns of Pet Safety for Fourth of July

Fourth of July can be a festive holiday for people but a frightening time for pets.

The San Francisco SPCA is advising pet owners to take precautions to keep their pets happy and safe over the holiday weekend.

Fireworks often cause pets stress and anxiety, so people should not bring their pets to fireworks displays, where they may run off out of fear, according to the SPCA.

If a pet panics even while at home due to noise from the fireworks, pet owners can talk to their veterinarian about ways to relieve anxiety, according to the SPCA.

As summertime temperatures increase, pet owners should be aware of providing their dogs or cats with plenty of water and access to shade, according to the SPCA. Even hot asphalt can hurt dogs’ sensitive paws.

Dogs should never be left alone in cars, even with the windows down, as temperatures can quickly rise to dangerous levels, according to the SPCA.

And finally, pet owners should be careful to keep certain foods, drinks and substances away from pets during parties and barbecues, according to the SPCA.

Chocolate, coffee, avocado, macadamia nuts, grapes, raisins and raw meat can cause health problems, and alcoholic beverages, matches and lighter fluid can poison pets if ingested, according to the SPCA.

Drew Himmelstein, Bay City News

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