In The Yard: Mahonia

I am often asked by clients to design a drought tolerant yard, or a low maintenance yard. Well, no plants are more suitable and easier…

In The Yard: Dwarf Lavender

When designing clients’ yards, I often hear statements like “I like lavender and rosemary, but they get so big. Is there one that doesn’t?” Well,…

In The Yard: The Confusing World Of Fertilizers, Simplified

Fertilizers: What should I use, when do I use it, and how much should I apply? These can be very troubling questions for even seasoned…

In The Yard: Fall Plantings In The Summer

Yes, it’s time to start thinking about the fall. What!!? I’m just starting to get my first tomatoes and squash! you might say. Why should…

In The Yard: Carrots Aren’t Just For Rabbits

I guarantee you this, one bite into your first homegrown carrot and you will never be without them in your garden again. Carrots are an…

In The Yard: Beneficial Insects Part 2

In part two of an answer to a reader’s question about beneficial insects I look at ways to attract them into your garden. Attracting beneficial…

In The Yard: Beneficial Insects, To Bee Or Not To Bee

A reader posed a question about my recommending the use of a pesticide for aphids in an earlier article that brings up two separate and…

In The Yard: It All Starts With A Plan

Spring is here, and with it the weeds. This being an “el nino” year, we saw large amounts of rainfall and now have gigantic weeds….

In The Yard: It’s Time For Tomatoes

Tomatoes are an incredibly fun, easy and giving plant to grow everywhere except areas that get heavy fog in the summer. Sound familiar? Don’t be…

In The Yard: Dealing With Aphids

Aphids are one of the worst spring time pests, but most people don’t notice them chewing their plants to bits until it’s too late, and…

In The Yard: Answering Questions On Strawberries And Lettuce

In the comments to my column yesterday on growing strawberries and lettuce in a pot, Matt asks: Do the lettuce leaves and strawberries keep growing…

In The Yard: Easy As Hell Lettuce And Strawberries

One rule of thumb here in San Francisco is “If you’re always planting, you’re always harvesting.” Whether its a fully grown head of lettuce in…